Stolen Hard Work | Teen Ink

Stolen Hard Work

May 1, 2023
By DaEliteHBH5 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
DaEliteHBH5 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your just driving to make some money 

but you get attacked for the few dollars 

you make in a day but then 

it gets taken by someone who didn’t earn it. 

On top of that it is a life-threatening experience. 


It's like being picked on for working hard for what you have. 

It's like being bullied by somebody new every time and most of the time

it's not someone you know. 

That is the feeling of working hard for something just 

to be mugged or attacked has a huge impact on their ability to earn. 


They say they are deeply committed to the safety of you

but we all know they are looking out for themselves above all others. 

Big companies and high schools alike.


Just trying to get your work done

and you get picked on like a vulture and a corpse,

nothing you can do to stop the pain and suffering that will follow.

Those are the moments you tell yourself, for now I don’t intend to go back.

It's not worth the time, effort, and suffering you have to tolerate

in order to do what you need to do.

The author's comments:

Stolen Hard Work

By Harry Hostetler

11th grade, Arrowhead High School, Wisconsin

With lines from "Gig Workers Are Being Stabbed, Beaten, and Abused in India" by Varsha Bansal, a Pulitzer Center reporting project

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