Jackpot | Teen Ink


December 21, 2022
By Tbone13 SILVER, Susssex, Wisconsin
Tbone13 SILVER, Susssex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There may be gold,

There may be diamonds.

But the main goal

Is to get on that island.

There is something magical about it?

I don’t know what it is but

One member of my crew does believe that

It was brought here by magic.

All of this could of course be fake

But what if it wasn’t.

What is all this is real and we hit something good.

What if we could now be rich.

We see the birds and mountains,

We see the fish in the water that is still as ice,

We could see for miles from the position we were in

Then we could see the gold on top of the island.

Shining through the tree branches we reach in

It is an open chest filled with gold.

We can now say that we are rich,

Now we can leave the island.

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