Concealed Cove | Teen Ink

Concealed Cove

December 20, 2022
By 3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Glassy motionless water glazes the coast,

colossal curved peaks border the horizon in a medley of blue.

Frozen in time, motion remains abated,

as foggy, gray clouds eerily slink into every crease.

Hidden among the cove lies an island, 

barren and dry, plastered with chalked dirt.

Atop it lay the carcass of a wooded life.

Its branches ache and moan as the wind whistles through.

Isolated and serene, invisible to the lurking evil,

that awaits to steal its mystical majesty. 

The author's comments:

This is written in the ekphrastic poetry style don't he art piece Enchanted Island by Millard Sheets.

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