Love | Teen Ink


May 30, 2009
By sakina GOLD, Chennai, Other
sakina GOLD, Chennai, Other
18 articles 13 photos 173 comments

Favorite Quote:
A negative thinker See's a difficulty in every opportunity but a positive thinker sees an opportunity in every difficulty. So always think positive and u'll surely B successful in LIFE.
-Hazrat Ali (A.S)

Love is lovely,
which is accepted by everybody
Love is fantastic,
But true love is romantic.

Love one,
But let that be the only one
Love those,
Who appreciate your love.

Love is like a game
Which,is played by every heart.
Love is created by God,
So first love God.

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This article has 4 comments.

Fizza SILVER said...
on Sep. 3 2011 at 10:47 am
Fizza SILVER, Raipur, Other
7 articles 2 photos 177 comments
nicely written. have you read my poem 'Lone Dog"?

on Jul. 15 2011 at 1:58 pm
poetic.eyes PLATINUM, Everson, Washington
23 articles 3 photos 198 comments

Favorite Quote:

Very pretty!

oddly BRONZE said...
on Jul. 8 2011 at 8:50 am
oddly BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 5 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
For me, writing is exploration; and most of the time, I'm surprised where the journey takes me.

Jack Dann

Thank you for that. You really understand what love means!

on Jun. 27 2011 at 9:06 am
starbucks_queen BRONZE, Belmont, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

aww, i like it! I also like how you compared love to God. :) oh, thanks for checkin out my poem btw. I rly appreciate it. For a minute I was beginning to think that no one was gonna read it. Thanks 4 taking the time 2! :)