Inequality; Theme for English 3 | Teen Ink

Inequality; Theme for English 3

December 7, 2021
By JoshDeonauth1 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
JoshDeonauth1 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who would I wanna be 

A Muhammad Ali 

To fight with my fist

Or use my words like Mahatma Gandhi

Then I ask myself again

Who would I wanna be 

I don’t wanna be as the white people might perceive me to be

Calling me slurs and blatantly disrespecting me

I don’t get how a heart can be so vacantly, empty talking on what they only see 

As a true American, I was taught to treat everyone like how you would wanna be, treated

But even back then they used to get mad if you refused to be seated 

Back of the bus 

They don’t care about us...

But I refuse to believe 

I wear my heart on my sleeve 

For it to be seen 

I have faith because not having one is my pet peeve 

Who do I wanna be 

Muhammad Ali or Mahatma Gandhi

I think out of all the greats

I’d rather be me

And this concludes 

Theme for English three


 -Josh D

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my English 3 class and it's about inequality and my character. 

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