Goodbye | Teen Ink


May 24, 2009
By JasmineG. GOLD, Lawrence, Massachusetts
JasmineG. GOLD, Lawrence, Massachusetts
11 articles 1 photo 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're in the present not the future. The only thing we can do now is listen to our hearts and pay for it later with the satisfaction of knowing we did something actually worthwhile." -Jasmine Garver

It has become harder for me to think about her than I ever thought it would

She is gone and I've forgiven her but it is still hard not to be mad anymore

I love her and she'll be in my heart, my life forever but the pain it brings me to think about her-about them drives me insane

I want to make it stop altogether,end everything right now,this day, this exact moment...but I can't

He is the reason she is gone-dead I can't stand him
the thought of what I'd do to him if I saw him makes me relieved-in a way

This all would have been avoided if she'd stay with us, her family
I begged her not to go, not to bring us, but she still wouldn't listen

And look what it's gotten us into...
Nothing but sorrow,hurt,regret,and loneliness

I should have tried harder

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