The Weather Outside My Window | Teen Ink

The Weather Outside My Window

January 20, 2021
By Karasuno_Number_1_Shorty BRONZE, Van Wert, Ohio
Karasuno_Number_1_Shorty BRONZE, Van Wert, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

I sit in front of the window

The sky outside is gray

As the water pitter paters outside my window

It’s raining outside

Outside on this cold June day


The sun does not shine

As the water washes away the chalk drawings 

As cars pass by splashing and spraying water from puddles

I sit inside, bored as I can be

 And watch the weather outside my window


The rain’s stopped the next day

I can go outside now and bask in the sun

Except it’s not the next day

It’s September outside

And it’s cold once again


My mom doesn’t let me go outside

As the golf balls seem to fall from the sky

My mom says it’s hail

It’s dangerous and frozen

So I must stay again inside where it is safe

And so I watch the weather outside my window


I wake up and immediately go to my window

Maybe I can play in the leaves today

It is not the next day outside

It’s November outside

It is now colder than before

So I must stay inside and play

“But it’s only raining,” I tell my mom

She shakes her head no and tells me it’s sleet

The sleet is like rain and snow

It’s colder than rain

I nod my head as she smiles warmly

So I stay inside and watch the weather outside my window


I wake up

I know it’s not the next day

It’s January outside

And it’s colder probably

So I walk down the stairs

And sit in my chair as my mom makes me breakfast


“Ready for some fun today?” She asks

I look at her confused

“To go outside and play.” She tells me

My face brightens

I eat faster

Soon I’m in a warm hat, scarf, and gloves with a coat zipped to my mouth


Today we go outside

I make a snow angel and so does Mom

We have a snowball fight

And go ice skating at the park

We go back home and have hot cocoa

It’s warm just like the sun


Today I did not watch the weather outside my window

Although it was snow

And it was not the sun

I still managed to play and have fun

So it might not be tomorrow or months from today

But you will go out to the weather outside your window

The author's comments:

I did this for my 7th-grade science class and my class said they loved it as well as my teacher

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