I am... | Teen Ink

I am...

May 13, 2009
By Haley_J SILVER, McClouth, Kansas
Haley_J SILVER, McClouth, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its better to ask &amp;&amp; be dissapointed,<br /> Then to never ask &amp;&amp; allways wonder

I am happy and funny
I wonder what clouds look like inside
I hear Barney singing
I see the T.V.
I want candy
I am happy and funny

I pretend to cook cakes
I feel happy when I’m with mommy and daddy
I touch my comfy PJ’s
I worry when someone cries
I cry when I fall on the ground
I am happy and funny

I understand how to count to 10
I say what’s on my mind
I dream of candy and clouds
I try to paint my nails purple
I hope for fluffy white clouds
I am happy and funny

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