Johanna (for my mother) | Teen Ink

Johanna (for my mother)

May 20, 2019
By salsablog PLATINUM, Newport Beach, California
salsablog PLATINUM, Newport Beach, California
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A witty [quote] proves nothing."<br /> -Voltaire

You know I thought I saw your name on a gravestone -
But it probably wasn’t spelled the same,
So I tried to rearrange the letters in my head -
But there wasn’t a single one that I could tame,

And so I sifted through the words I heard -
In our last conversation,
But I couldn’t find the synonyms -
To rephrase this sensation,

And so I tried to get back home -
I thought I’d seen it through the gloom,
But when I got there it looked different -
And I couldn’t find my room,

I thought I needed just three letters -
But there are seven in your name,
Cause when I spelled out M O M -
It just didn’t sound the same,

So I reached up to the heavens -
And I yanked all the stars down,
Then I mashed them all into the shape -
Of a certain proper noun…

I dragged all the silver from the Earth -
And bent it into a frame,
So when God finally returns -
He won't forget your name.

- Johanna.


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