Dandelions | Teen Ink


February 20, 2019
By marygrace BRONZE, Turlock, California
marygrace BRONZE, Turlock, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." C.S. Lewis

A bird

It flits through trees

Lighter than a feather

Swifter than a warning whisper

A flash of black and white amongst green leaves

A breeze

It tousles blades of grass

Floats clouds across the sky

The fickle winds tickle gently

And suddenly snatch papers from her grasp

She jumps

Quick as the bird

Runs after floating words

Over lawns and dandelions

Reaching for the ideas she cannot lose

She stops

Hands grip papers

But they are not her hands

It’s a boy with smiling eyes

His discarded bicycle lays nearby

Thank you

Met with shy nods

A quick introduction

Turns into chattering like birds

And winds are sighing with accomplishment

The author's comments:

A quintain about the introduction of a girl with dreams and a boy on a bike.

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