February 18, 2019
By Tanvi123 BRONZE, Gurgaon, Other
Tanvi123 BRONZE, Gurgaon, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart aches for another breeze to brush by me gently,

My road of life is shaped by the curvaceous path of destiny,

My dwelling is in every creek, in every cave by the mountain side,

I don’t have a solitary who keeps my secrets, in whom I confide,

I am not garlanded by pearls, I am adorned by the solar systems’s star dust,

I keep one foot after the other, inspired by my soul’s own wanderlust.


My heart aches for the dingy forests and scent of the fresh roses,

I do not regret over the roads in life I have left behind, unchosen,

I am enchanted by this stupendous world, by every blue river and stream,

I seek pleasure in the untruthfulness of my illusionistic dreams,

I do not wish to bear the weight of the finest of silk nor purest gold,

I only yearn that mysteries of this world, with my wanderlust, I can unfold.


When my heart aches for the magic of nature, the brilliant shades of rainbows,

I am not bound to choose the grassy road neither the one with snow,

I do not reside in the lavish houses in the country,

The lap of nature is enough to soothe my weary body,

My pockets are filled with emptiness like the core of my longing heart,

This immortal longing of mine, is satisfied by nature’s exquisite art.


My aching heart, desires to see all of life’s zillion hues,

For my soul’s lust for adventure, the earth is it’s muse,

With nothing more than an ignited desire of adventure,

I have no tales to tell of heroism, cowardice or valour,

Yet, wander lust takes upon my soul in a thousand different ways,

It is this unusual desire that shapes my destiny, the world says.

The author's comments:

This is a beautiful piece about one's longing to travel the world and a sense of craving to explore the world beyond. It expresses the beauty of mother nature's strokes on the canvas of nature and the happiness that can be found in every corner of our mother earth. 

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on May. 14 2019 at 2:59 pm
nismasaeed SILVER, Rawalpindi, Other
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments