Our Promises | Teen Ink

Our Promises

February 11, 2019
By REB BRONZE, Oakdale, Connecticut
REB BRONZE, Oakdale, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"- Eleanor Roosevelt

The greatest poems are written by a broken heart.

Full of circles on skin, burned by your finger paths,

Shallow breaths and smooth lips dancing across the page.

A tale of hope and betrayal,

fitted to our inflated dreams,

Passed from your lips to mine.

Breathless  heartbeats decorating lovers,

Lingering eyes in an overflowing room.

Secrets formed by nudges and touches.

Shared smiles, and intoxicated night kisses,

Ones that become cold shadows on my lips in the morning.

Fingers woven through hair, twisting coils,

while you twist me,

Your love and mine.

Smothered with misguided passion,

One wandering heart, once satisfied.

Sour tears filling the space between us

Cold skin where your hands had occupied,

Nurturing a seed of hope that says we are more than a “thing”...

The sympathetic gazes of “her”,

And the convincing smile of “you”.

Wrapping my heart in a premature honeymoon, that ends in divorce.

My broken love for you before it was love at all,

A tale that has been told,

Passed from broken hearts to mended souls.

Another heart cracked and chipped,

But a poem written.

The author's comments:

I wrote this during a history lecture about President Nixon, dont worry it was not Nixon who sparked these emotions in me. I was inspired by a love that went unrecognized, so i decided to recognize it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Brouie said...
on Feb. 17 2019 at 9:41 pm
Brouie, East Lyme, Connecticut
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Incredible use of imagery to transport me into a moment of deliberation—thank you!