Unknown | Teen Ink


February 1, 2019
By sjwang BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
sjwang BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love all, trust a few, and do harm to none. -William Shakespeare

A beautiful day yet there’s only solemness.

One individual walks through the midnight woods

towards complete blackness.

Where does it go?

In 1585, a colony was evoked on American territory,

but every soul was gone, every single of their peers.

The lost colony.

What made them disappear?


Some people work twice as hard,

Though another person will succeed instead.

For life isn’t fair,

So what do you call fair?

We live in a world called Earth,

we explore Mars, the Milky Way, and the Little bear.

Still, how vast is the universe?

How many stars are there?

We will never know all the answers of the unknown,

For they will increase as we answer them.

But we can wonder and let them inspire us,

To create something miraculous.

The author's comments:

There are infinite questions in this world that we will never finish answering yet all the miracles we create are based on these questions. So odd.

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