Fight for the War, Fight for the Poor | Teen Ink

Fight for the War, Fight for the Poor

January 17, 2019
By megan-rouls BRONZE, Ortonville, Michigan
megan-rouls BRONZE, Ortonville, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Echoing bomb’s,

machine guns rattling my head.

Jittering, shaking;

I strike awake,

sitting, shivering, starving inside,

while well-dressed men proceed.

Staring down at me,



Am I scum?

A place to throw waste?

Standing still, glancing in the mirror,

a man stares back,

Veteran of war.

Yet, homeless now is all I must be.

The author's comments:

This social issue is something that really bothers me in todays society. I think that these homeless veterans need to be treated better, given more benefits and given more help when coming back from serving for our nation. They deserve much more respect then they are given and I think that this was a very unique and fun way to express my feelings towards this issue.

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