Split Thoughts in a Hospital Bed | Teen Ink

Split Thoughts in a Hospital Bed

January 11, 2019
By gdoan BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
gdoan BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"- Dumbledore

Colorless walls
And tired eyes.
There are grating beeps
And bothersome birds
squawk outside.

Sterile smells of bleach
And medicine
Burn nostrils.
Itchy blankets cover the hard bed,
You lie on,
Making sleep a far off wish.
All is tense,
Dream foul

Colorless walls
Are painted by sunshine.
Rested eyes smile,
And rhythmic beeps,
Become the metronome
For the birds’

The air smells clean,
Like a gentle breeze
Passing the forest.
Warm blankets
Cover your supportive bed
Putting all racing thoughts
To sleep.
All is calm
Dream sweet

The author's comments:

I wanted this poem to show how there's two sides to most situations.

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