Death After Death | Teen Ink

Death After Death

September 18, 2018
By Maggie_blume5 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
Maggie_blume5 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke, to fire and screaming.

My internal sleep was not peaceful,

Nor internal. All my time on earth I begged to die, now i beg to live.

I lived for you, I died for you, and I forever die for you.

My love, my lust, was not enough.

I sinned to amuse you and please you, everything I did was for you.

I praised you as if you were my god.

And I loved you like the moon loved the sun,

the moon disappears every night to let his love the sun,

shine. You were my sun I disappeared to let you shine.

I lived for you, I died for you.

And, lost each human trace.

My physical self now resembles my past self,

No skin, no beating heart, just bones.

You did this to me, wait no,

I did it to myself for you.

I’m now stuck, in fire, in pain.

I lived to die. But now i die to live.

My love for pleasing you has lead me here, to the fiery pits of hell.

Do not fear death itself, fear what comes after death.

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