Dad's Little Girl | Teen Ink

Dad's Little Girl

September 4, 2018
By brianne09 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
brianne09 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wish that I could say that I’m Dad’s little girl

He is here to walk me down the aisle and teach me about the world,

helps me with my homework and grills the best in town-

Just too bad it’s all untrue because he’s not around.


He left when I was young, he mustn’t have had much to say

Three years was all I knew of him until he went away

Growing up I saw no problem, my mom was all I had,

until I noticed classmates getting picked up by their dads.


Teased by other kids, I asked why it was me they had to bother,

they looked at me then laughed and said because I have no father.

I really don’t understand the point, why did he have to go,

it gave me so much grief and I was feeling all alone.


I never understood until I answered a call so deep,

 I'm sorry, your dad has passed away, he died quickly in his sleep.

Trying to collect my thoughts while mom booked me a flight,

She told me it was time to meet him, though this way wasn’t right.


Mom sent me on a plane, so confused and full of agony,

I walked out of the terminal to my brand new, loving family.

They told me they were worried that this day would never come,

They loved me and took care of me though the pain made them feel  numb.


The funeral was really unclear, I had no clue why I couldn’t stop crying,

I’m still not sure if it’s okay to cry for someone I barely knew dying.

My family answered all my questions I had about my dad,

They said he wanted to be close with me but he thought that I’d be mad.


Before I left the house to get on my flight back home,

I was handed my old baby book and all things of mine he owned.

I now know that he loves me but just never took the chance,

Now he’s up in heaven and can see me in a glance.


I sometimes sit and wonder if he watches as I’ve grown,

I even try to talk to him and pray when I’m alone.

I’m proud of who I am and that I have features just like his,

Dad’s not so little girl isn’t ashamed of who she is.

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