Rapture Man | Teen Ink

Rapture Man

February 18, 2012
By AndrewR, Los Angeles, California
AndrewR, Los Angeles, California
0 articles 6 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I should have found myself a from of activity in keeping with it, to be precise, drinking in the health of the "sublime and beautiful." I should have snatched at every opportunity to drop a tear into my glass and then drain it to all that is "sublime and beautiful." I should then have turned everything into the sublime and beautiful; in the nastiest, unquestionable trash, I should have sought out the sublime and the beautiful."

-Fyodor Dostoyevsky, from Notes from the Underground

Today, February 18, I decided to go to Hollywood. But, being the nitwit I am, I forgot to put my memory card into my camera so I was without a card. I looked for a store and in my hurry I saw this guy sitting in his wheelchair with this fantastic sign. It made me smile--it gave me genuine joy.
I found a store, bought a cheap card, and ran back to photograph this guy who I have named Rapture Man.
I walked up to him and said with curiosity, "Hey, I really like that sign bro. Its funny."
He smiled and said with a chuckle, "Well, I probably shouldn't show you the other one then."
He did of course and this one said "Guess what? F*** off!" He wasn't willing to get that one photographed so I didn't push.
"Once," he began, "There was this little boy who walked by and read the F*** off sign--he said to his dad, 'Hey daddy, 'F** off!'" And this guy just laughed and laughed about it, whilst I joined him. That is my kind of humor.
At the end of our conversation, I asked to take a couple photos of him and he said yes. I gave him a couple dollars and bid myself ado.

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