A Caterpillar's Way of Life | Teen Ink

A Caterpillar's Way of Life

February 10, 2020
By jmertinsfarm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
jmertinsfarm BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
1 article 10 photos 0 comments

Here is a picture of a caterpillar that was found munching away at the leaves in my dill patch part of my garden

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on Sep. 2 2023 at 5:46 pm
LiteraryMe PLATINUM, Dayton, Ohio
41 articles 19 photos 519 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The earth has music for those who listen.” —William Shakespeare

So lovely! Great color and detail, what camera did you use?

on Jun. 2 2022 at 11:34 am
Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
21 articles 79 photos 125 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If this year has taught me anything, it's that grief can destroy a person.”

Love this!!! Good job keep it up ♥️