The Thanksgiving Gift | Teen Ink

The Thanksgiving Gift

February 26, 2013
By TessaJayne123 BRONZE, Silverton, Oregon
TessaJayne123 BRONZE, Silverton, Oregon
2 articles 3 photos 4 comments

Bam! It was so unexpected, that I almost dropped what I was holding. A bird had slammed into the window. This was one of those moments, I thought.
A voice inside my head told me to go outside. A bird laid still on a cushioned wicker chair. Its eyes were still and dazed. It blinked slowly. I began to ponder at the moment, What do birds see when they get hit in the head? planes flying in a circle above their head?
The bird let me pet it and hold it. Soon it flew off, after i went inside. This all happened on Thanksgiving, and this Thanksgiving will always be one to remember, for me at least.

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