Should Archery be a Santioned Sport | Teen Ink

Should Archery be a Santioned Sport

May 5, 2010
By HannahRose BRONZE, North Vernon, Indiana
HannahRose BRONZE, North Vernon, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How would you feel if you were on a team, and it wasn't recognized in your school? What if the the high school didn't help fund the team,or provide a place to practice? I think that if the team is made up of high school students, then the school should help support the team. My dad coaches the high school archery team, and he puts a lot of time into coaching. I also think they should have announcements about the archery team and they should help the team with fund raisers and such. One reason I believe this is because it is to my dad's responsibility to do everything. I think that County High School should consider the archery team as a sanctioned sport.

Right now the team is practicing at the Baptist Church, but we are really wanting to find a place to practice where we could just leave the equipment set up. The athletic office schedules other sports practices in the gyms, all except archery. Our team would also like to practice more, but we don't have the space to. We can only practice on Tuesday and Fridays, for one hour, while most of the teams practice longer. A bigger building and longer practice times would be better for the team.
Now in order for the archery team to practice, we need equipment to use. The high school doesn't want us to use their equipment, because they're afraid we will tear it up. So my dad, and part of the team, had to raise money so we could buy equipment for the summer league. It would be nice to use the summer league, and high school equipment so that more people can shoot at one time. It would also be nice to use the middle school equipment, because they use ours all the time. Since it is the, “high school” archery team, we should be allowed to use the “high school” equipment!

It would be greatly appreciated, if the school board/administration would consider the high school archery team as a sanctioned sport. It would help out the team a lot, (we would be able to get our arrows at a cheaper price, use their equipment, etc.) if we go through the school. I know that many of the parents and the coaches would appreciate it if their shooters were supported by the school. Being considered as a sanctioned sport would defiantly help the team out a lot.

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