Dare to Dream | Teen Ink

Dare to Dream

January 7, 2019
By Ashleyclarke05 BRONZE, Anderon, Ohio
Ashleyclarke05 BRONZE, Anderon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that hard work and determination can make your dreams come true. Little kids always have these dreams of wanting to be a doctor,  astronaut, or a professional athlete. Parents these days think their kids will end up having a more practical job. But going through life and chasing your biggest dreams is one of the best things you can accomplish.

I dream of playing college volleyball. This is not an easy thing to achieve. Most of the girls playing in a division one school right now are 6’2 and have been playing volleyball since they were five. I am taller than average which is an advantage that I do have, but I am lower in experience than some of my other competition.

I played softball for nine years. That is a long time. I previously had dreamed of going to college for softball. But something changed somewhere in 8th grade. I got worn out. In 6th grade, I started to play recreational volleyball. I had a very bad team and I wasn’t so good myself.

I changed schools in 7th grade and I had the choice to try out for the volleyball team. I had only been playing for one year but for some reason I had some drive to try out even though I didn’t know anyone and I wasn’t as experienced as everyone else.  But trying out and playing for those two years in middle school was one of the best decisions I had ever made. Playing for my school lead me to play club volleyball. This made my love for the sport grow even more.

I was getting a lot better and I was enjoying the sport more than I ever had before. Then I started high school. I tried out for volleyball and I made the first JV team.  For only playing for 3 years before this, this was an astonishing accomplishment.

Now I am going into my third year of club and I plan on making varsity next year.  I have worked so hard up to this point and I intend to work even harder to improve and achieve the dream of making varsity.

Making varsity for the next 3 years of high school and playing club will help me catch up and improve enough to compete for a spot on a college volleyball team.  I have worked hard and not let the idea of behind stopping me from trying as hard as I can to achieve my dream.

The author's comments:

This is a "This I Believe" paper I wrote to show how hard work and determination can help you accomplish your dreams 

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