Faith? | Teen Ink


November 21, 2013
By Anna.L BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Anna.L BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

What defines faith? A slave in the field with scar being torn again and again by a strip of leather, but keeping their eyes on the sun. Praying to the Lord their child won’t have to live this way. An escaped convict dropping their cover to save an elderly woman, and remembering their long-lost mother slowly withering away without him by her side. A school recovering after a man entered with a gun and opened fire to kill 26 students and teachers with a family waiting for them on Christmas morning. Two lovers saying goodbye as yet another war arises; their hearts being torn bit by treacherous bit as each day passes. An entire nation rising once again from the ashes of two skyscrapers that had symbolized unity. Faith isn’t visible. It’s buried deep within the hearts and souls of schoolchildren, innocent men and women, and entire nations. Faith is what brings men and women back from war, back to their families as if nothing had ever happened. It gives us a voice to lead, a friend to fall back on, and a force to push us to continue this wonderful journey called life.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because I have found myself with very little faith lately. I hope this paragraph inspires and brightens your day.

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