Goodbye Harry Potter, Hello Jesus | Teen Ink

Goodbye Harry Potter, Hello Jesus

August 17, 2013
By NoraC BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
NoraC BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us... - Marianne Wilson

Sometimes I pretend that I am Hermione Granger, and I fly around on a broomstick casting spells. This concept impacts my education because anyone who knows Hermione is aware that she is a genius child! My parents believe that Harry Potter is “clouding my relationship with God”. I do not believe in god, and it is not because of Harry Potter. I lost my faith in fifth grade. That year my three-year old cousin died from leukemia, leaving my aunt devastated. Two years later I developed a serious case of depression and I purposely alienated myself from my peers. In the eighth grade I received news that a good friend of mine was missing in action, in Afghanistan. Later I found out that he was killed. He never made it to his twenty-second birthday. One week ago I got a call from my mom that my cousin Trevor, an Army Ranger, was killed in Afghanistan. He left behind a new loving wife, and his unborn child. If god was real my friends and family would not have had their lives ripped from them at such young ages. If god was real, a brave husband would return home to greet his new child. My father does not understand how I lost my faith, despite my constant explanations. Every time he looks at me, my dad seems empty and ashamed. He threatened to kick me out if I did not go to church and participate. He always acts on his threats. Now I go to church every Sunday. I stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel, sit and stand some more. I participate by being a youth reader. I read the Bible out loud to children in Sunday school and on certain occasions I would read in front of the congregation. Currently I am going through the sacrament of confirmation, which means that I decided for myself to become Catholic, which is a lie. Recently I went on a trip with my three older sisters. The oldest sister told me that she “loved me but hated the decisions that I make” and that it caused her to be “disgusted and ashamed”. I know that out of this tricky relationship with my family, I will grow to become a stronger and more independent person.

The author's comments:
The following essay was difficult for me to write. Well reflecting on my history with the church I realized that I had little to no faith in god. Some may consider this revelation sinful, or they may think that I am to young to discuss my faith. Whether you are religious or not, I ask that you keep an open mind and attempt to understand my side of the story.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Sep. 17 2013 at 11:05 am
hayliebean GOLD, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
\&quot;a friend will help you feel better when u and he break up but a best friend will call him whispering \&#039;seven days...\&#039;\&quot;<br /> -anonymous? i think

God works in ways we can't understand.  I believe in God fully.  Not everyone has a great life, that's just the way it is.  My father has a substance abuse problem, and has for my whole life.  My parents split up when I was in 1st grade.  When my youngest sister was born, she was born with a physical disability.  She has OI (look it up).  Two years ago, my uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and it spread to his lungs.  He died this past April, and now my aunt spends her nights alone.  I have never had a ton of money, but we get by. when I was in 6th grade, I started cutting and went through depression all the way through my freshman year of high school.  Things have changed for me now though, I go to church and at 16 years old, I have become the teacher for middle school sunday classes.  I use the things that I have been through to show that God can heal.  When he lets the devil do something in your life, he wants you to use it.  I am not saying that what your parents are doing is right.  I would never force someone into believing what I believe.  That is wrong, and doesn't work.  I don't believe in the catholic ways either.  Maybe, though instead of looking at that one religion and saying, "nope this one is wrong so all of them are wrong."  you should look into just christianity.  I am a christian.  I believe in God and the bible.  I know that Jesus died for my sins and no matter what I go through, he will be with me.  He will see me through.

on Sep. 10 2013 at 10:01 am
TheArtfulDodger BRONZE, Oakwood, Ohio
3 articles 7 photos 12 comments
I know what ur goin' though.

on Sep. 1 2013 at 8:33 am
The_Earl_of_Zerces PLATINUM, Waukesha, Wisconsin
36 articles 0 photos 106 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.&quot;<br /> -Sigmund Freud

If at all possible, I would recommend you not go through with the sacrament of confirmation. All that will do is make everyone gloat about how they won you over to the side of God, and then if you finally "come out" to them as non-Christian, even if you do it when you're on your own and able to support yourself, then not only will they be a lot angrier at you, they probably will flat-out not believe you, or at least just deny it, whilst rubbing the sacrament in your face. There's no way out of the Catholic church if you get into it. But if your hands are tied, then I can understand if you still wish to go through with it.