The Masterpiece Cake Shop Incident | Teen Ink

The Masterpiece Cake Shop Incident

December 11, 2017
By OoOoOf69 BRONZE, Wilmington, California
OoOoOf69 BRONZE, Wilmington, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think it is really stupid that the owner, Jack Philips, refused service to the couple David Mullins and Charlie Craig.  I also think it was really idiotic of him to say that he only denied them service because of the event and not their sexuality.  He said that he didn't want to create a cake for an inherently religious event that went against his christian faith. He  also said that "I don't see this as a case of discrimination. I see discrimination as saying, "you people are not welcome in my shop". But I always, always welcome everybody in my shop. There are just events that I don't make cakes for, this was one of them... Turning away someone because of their sexual orientation, that would be discriminatory."  I think these are the dumbest excuses because just because he is a christian doesn't give him an excuse to not make a cake for this couple, even if they are gay. Also after this incident he only had four more employees including himself, I believe this shows that even though they worked with him, his employees may not have agreed with him.

The author's comments:

Jack Philips, the owner, doen't believe that what he did was discriminatory.

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