Technology on Our Current Society Today | Teen Ink

Technology on Our Current Society Today

October 23, 2016
By Sammynerd SILVER, Hemet, California
Sammynerd SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mankind has been using technology for so long to make life more leisure. The cavemen invented the wheel, the Egyptians built pyramids, and Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Today technology is still evolving right in front of our eyes. Technology is a main part of our lives today, which leads people to be concerned on whether or not it is beneficial or harmful. Technology mainly seems to have beneficial attributes due to the fact that after the Industrial Revolution the amount of deaths decreased due to technological advances. I personally use technology everyday, whether it be searching up the weather or playing games. Technology is mainly beneficial to our society today despite the few cons it has.

Medical technological advances saves and makes lives better. No one can argue that saving lives is a bad thing. One medial technological advancement is minimally invasive surgery known as laparoscopic surgery. This surgery is performed with lasers and other high-tech devices that requires a small incision, “Because there are no long incisions in MIS, surgeons often do not have to cut through muscles to complete the procedure - leading to less tissue damage and a quicker recovery.”(Benefits of Minimally Invasive Procedures) Usually in a typical surgery, a long incision is done by hand, making the scar look jagged. With MIS, the incision is straight and short due to the lasers. With a smaller cut, the recovery time will be faster allowing people to go back to their original schedule. Also, “Studies have shown that patients undergoing MIS procedures report less pain and require smaller doses of pain relievers than patients undergoing traditional surgeries.”(Benefits of Minimally Invasive Procedures) That way you can save money by consuming less pain medication, and not have to endure with the pain. Additionally, artificial hearts saves lives since so  many people suffer from heart problems, but there are only so many donor hearts. As explained in the article, “For people waiting for transplant, artificial hearts buy time by keeping them alive until a suitable heart can be found.”(Perkins1) The patient would need to wait a long time to get a transplant, but with the artificial heart, it allows them to live longer. Furthermore, another advantage would be, “For people waiting for transplant, an artificial heart prevents deterioration or complications that could keep them off the transplant list by improving cardiovascular function.”(Perkins1) Having an artificial heart could be so beneficial that you wouldn’t even need to go through a risky heart transplant. Our eyes are very sensitive and fragile, making it difficult to operate on. With Lasik surgery however, the eye is precisely operated on using lasers. The article stated, “Study after study conducted in the decades since Lasik was first approved by the FDA have shown that the vast majority of patients - as high as 95% - are satisfied with the results of their Lasik procedure.”(Shulman1) The majority of people have improved vision with this procedure. The laser’s keep getting better, “Continuous improvements in laser technology and surgical techniques have made Lasik safer and more effective year after year, and there are now new and better treatment options for many of the non - permanent side effects.”(Shulman1) This could mean that eye surgery will improve even more in  the future. Therefore, you should keep in mind that technology is making us healthier and making us live a longer life. We have better surgery procedures to avoid malpractices and to avoid pain. Technology is making our lives better.

Video games have many benefits in a number of different ways on our current society today. Many people play video games such as computer games, game consoles such as the Xbox and Playstation, and educational kids games. Playing video games helps teens to play together responsibly. In order to win a game, everyone needs to work together, “ Look at ‘World of Warcraft’:You’ve got 11-year-olds who are learning to delegate responsibly, promote teamwork, and steer groups of people toward a common goal.”(Scott2) When online a player learns that if they fool around, everyone else will be mad and they will lose the game. Teens also learn that they shouldn’t give away their information when they are online because they hear stories of other people getting hacked. As indicated in the article, “They’re learning how to get along with others, how to manage a public identity, how to create a homepage.”(Tamar676) People realize that it isn’t such a good idea to argue and fight online because it will get them nowhere. Not only does it help teens to play responsibly, but video games also helps people learn. With video games people will be able to remember better because some games are interactive and has a lot of information integrated into them. You can also get better at what at what you are trying to remember or learn, “The key is that you have to be improving each time you play, because in order to improve you have to be learning.”(Scott3) This way, you can aim for a goal and try to do better each time you play. Each time the player improves, the player will learn more. Video games also prepares kids for kindergarten since they will learn more than a regular preschool environment. The article stated, “A study by the Education Department Center further found that low income children are ‘better prepared for success in kindergarten when their preschool teachers incorporate educational videos and games from the Ready to learn Initiative.”(Scott2) This goes to show that kids learn better with video games since they are curious and will be more drawn to learn what is on the screen rather than what the teacher has to say. Also, video games give helpful skills that will benefit people in the real world. As explained in the article, “But their participation is giving them the technological skills and literacy they would need in the real world.”(Tamar676)In many jobs having computer skills or typing is very important. With experience from playing games on the computer, you will be better at using the computer for work purposes.Another article explains, “The success of complex video games demonstrates that games can teach higher-order thinking skills such as strategic thinking, interpretative analysis, problem solving, plan formulation and execution, and adaptation to rapid change,”the federation announced in a 2010 report.”(Scott4) All of these attributes will certainly make it easier to get things done and complete the tasks that need to be done. In conclusion, video games are making this generation improve in many ways.

Some people say that video games don’t offer benefits because kids play violent games, as a result making them violent. However, they are because the vast majority of games are rated e for everyone. Many games can also bring families together, “Games with broad appeal that are easy to grasp can additionally help many families play together, and better bridge the gap between generations”(Scott4) Even if kids do play violent games they will differentiate between what’s right and what’s wrong. Also if kids play violent they will take out their anger in the game, rather than other people. Therefore, video games don’t promote violence, they teach kids what is violent so they don’t do anything violent in real life. Kids can take out their frustration in the game instead of hurting other people’s feelings.

If people tell you that technology is a bad thing, ignore them because they most likely use it and they should know that it has many benefits. We always test technology before it is released in the market anyways, so there is little chance that it can cause physical harm.Whether it be cell phones, microwaves, video games, or medical equipment, they are all made to make our lives better.


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