Bullying | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By camsharp BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
camsharp BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jack grabbed a younger kid in the hallway and slammed him into a locker. Jack yelled at the boy, and the boy opened his locker and was pushed in. Everyone watched, but no one helped the little boy. People must be more aware of bullying because victims are getting physically and emotionally hurt. Teachers and Parents are uninformed, and the general public is not aware of the various types of bullying.               

Kids need to stop bullying because they are causing about 160,000 kids in the US to skip school every day because they are bullied(“Types of Bullying | Kids Help Phone”. Kids that bully are committing a crime against the students and also to people in the workplace. Bullying happens every day and people look the other way when it happens “About 312 million students are victims of bullying each year and teachers need to put a program in place in school”(“Types of Bullying | Kids Help Phone”)                 

Parents and teachers need to know the signs of bullying and be more aware of what is going on with their kids and students.  Abraham Lincoln once said, “I rather be a little nobody than a evil somebody”(Website )  Everybody needs to be treated equal no matter what race. Kids that bully feel alone. Everyone needs to be treated the same. Bullying is done in different ways, but no matter how it is done it is not the way you should treat a person. There are many types of bullying and these are not all of them , Physical bullying involves hitting, shoving, pushing, tripping, and other kinds of force. Verbal bullying involves hurtful comments, name-calling, teasing. Social /bullying involves using relationships to hurt someone(“Bullying Facts and Solutions: Upsetting Statistics and 4 Actions You Can Take”) No matter what type it is, it’s still wrong. It needs to be addressed by teachers, parents, friends and family members. Bullying is done repeatedly.  It needs to be stopped at all levels. and teacher need to watch for signs of bullying from their kids and students. Everybody needs to be treated equal no matter what race. Kids that bully feel alone. No matter what type it is it is still wrong. (“Goodreaders.com”)is, it’s still wrong. It needs to be stopped at all levels. Parents and teacher need to watch for signs of bullying from their kids and students.   

Everybody needs to be aware of the signs of bullying and intervene as needed. We cannot prevent it. If it is going to happen it will happen. People need to help those that are getting bullied everyday. Some can’t be helped,  but give every child a chance to be protected from a bully. It can not be an everyday event and every person needs to help prevent it from happening. Bullying is a problem in all forms and needs to be taken serious by all people. Bullying affects students everyday and affects their environment also this h. No matter what type it is, it’s still wrong. I need to be stopped at all levels    


Works Cited


“Bullying Facts and Solutions: Upsetting Statistics and 4 Actions You Can Take.” Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2016.
“Goodreaders.com.” N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Jan. 2016.
“Types of Bullying | Kids Help Phone.” N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.

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