The Death Penalty | Teen Ink

The Death Penalty

January 8, 2016
By jpjr2002 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
jpjr2002 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are 31 states with the death penalty and indiana is one of those 31 states.(“States With and Without the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center”)The death penalty is when someone has convicted a capital crime which is a murder or a betrayal to their country and it is their punishment. The death penalty should be abolished because nobody has the right to end a life, everyone makes mistakes,and the one that the person decided to take was stupid. Another reason is that we are all human we all make mistakes.The last reason is that person should just go to jail for life because that is how it is.

No matter what that person has done their life should not be taken.There are 121 people who are receiving the death penalty.That is 121 people who might have families going to die.we [usa] are spending $2.3 million dollars a month and $9 billion a year for the death penalty(“Searchable Execution Database | Death Penalty Information Center”).This is what our taxes are going to.15 to 17 homicides get put on death penalty(“Death Penalty Focus : The High Cost of the Death Penalty”). That is too many people that will die.The death penalty should be lifted because no matter what they do their life should not be taken.

The death penalty should be abolished.In california they are spending $4 million a year for the death penalty.The amount of money should be going to good causes.The south has held 80% of the executions,That is pretty much all of the executions. 3,300 people have been killed in the last year.Why are their lives being taken? The death penalty should be abolished.

The bad things of the death penalty are it cost so much, you get life without parole,half are african american.The person who gets the death penalty gets life without parole,That is unfair because then that means that the person is in the worst sentence the judge can give them.50% of the people that get put on the penalty are african american.(“Website”) 25% of the people commit suicide because they know that they were going to die anyway.
No matter what that person has done their life should not be taken. “He took my brothers life now his life will be taken”. “I am sorry that he took your brothers life but what if that person has a family”. “Look i will kill that person if i have to”. “Look that person will get a life sentence”. “Well can he get life without parole”? “Yes he will get life without parole”. No matter what that person has done their life should not be taken.

In conclusion the person should not die no matter the situation. If you would like for information go to the death penalty information center online.


Works cited

“Death Penalty Focus : The High Cost of the Death Penalty.” N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.
“Searchable Execution Database | Death Penalty Information Center.” N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.
“States With and Without the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center.” N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.
“Website.” N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.

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