The World | Teen Ink

The World

December 18, 2015
By nick5056 BRONZE, Newport, Delaware
nick5056 BRONZE, Newport, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fly like a butterfly sting like a bee

The world, have you ever looked up and asked why? The world can be a cruel place to live. Nothing is ever fair and nor will it ever be fair.

It’s depressing actually how the world lives today. Were all human were all supposed to treat each other equally, but in this world it’s not happening. There will always be people who get treated better than you. There will always be people who can get away with more things. There will always be people who can do things and people say nothing about but when you do it people think it’s messed up and start to judge you for it.

How can people care about what you wear? How can people care about what kind of car you drive? How can people care how much money a person has or who they are dating? It’s just absolutely ridiculous. People worry about things they are not supposed to worry about. 

People should care about their safety. People should care about their family. People should care about how they treat others. People should care about how we treat the world. People should care about others and try to help them out.

This is my opinion on the world. Nobody actually cares. Everyone just cares about themselves. They care about things that are stupid when they should care about what they can offer to the world. 

The author's comments:

It tells how i truly feel about the world. 

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