American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 6, 2015
By ctfxcfan1414 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ctfxcfan1414 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

8:46 A.M.--September 11th, 2001. A plane hit the north tower of the
World Trade Center. This would only be the start of what is known as America’s darkest day...9:03 A.M...A second plane hit the south tower of the World Trade Center. Not even an hour later, at 9:59 A.M., the south tower collapsed. The North tower followed at 10:28 A.M.
September 11th will always be engraved in our country’s history. Our
people were shaken and distraught at the violent acts that occurred, glued to the TV,
awestruck at what was unfolding.
Amidst all of the rubble, sirens, and people in disbelief, one thing stood tall...the
American flag. Only it wasn’t just a flag. It represented America’s strength, pride, and
Two thousand, six hundred and six people were lost in the towers alone, 125 at
the Pentagon, and 246 victims on all four hijacked planes--firefighters, police officers,
family members...Yet in all of the tragedy, America found strength. Americans helped to
pick up the rubble, men and women joined the military, and people donated blood. Our
country was stronger, and bonded by our flag.
The night of September 11th, President George W. Bush said, “These acts of
mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have
failed. Our country is strong.”
At 8:46 A.M. on September 11th, our country changed forever. Even in tragedy,
America stood strong. That is why the American flag represents strength.

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