The American Flag | Teen Ink

The American Flag

November 5, 2015
By Anonymous

The American flag represent so much more than just the fifty states and the thirteen colonies, it represents the people and the culture that made America what it is today.

When I see the American flag I think of the Europeans traveling to this great big land. The English colonization in the east coast and bringing us bowler hats, “the grass is greener on the other side”, and guy fawkes day. The French colonization in the south bringing us Claude Monet and Bastille day. I think of what it must have been like to see the beginning of America, to have seen the culture mixing  and the people coming together, to see how far we have come.

When I see the American flag I think of my neighbors from India and how ecstatic they were to move here. I think of all the times I have enjoyed a vegetarian curry meal while listening to them converse in hindi. I still remember their first winter. I was eight years old. I had been playing in the snow When they rushed outside to see the snow falling so gracefully. Their faces were filled with excitement and their laughs were contagious. It was one of the most wonderful moments I ever experienced as a child.

When I see the American flag I think of  my Grandmother telling me about her parents and their journey to America from Russia, Norway, Germany, and many other places across Europe. I think of the chilly family trips to German markets and our Norwegian christmas eve dinner.

when I see the American flag I think of my boyfriend’s family from Greece and all the different traditions they have such as celebrating Greek Easter and going to a Greek orthodox church on wednesdays.

When I see the American flag I think of all the wonderful cultures I get to experience everyday and how openly diverse this beautiful country is.

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