Beating Suicidal Thoughts | Teen Ink

Beating Suicidal Thoughts

July 17, 2015
By Izabella_Kate SILVER, Boyne Falls, Michigan
Izabella_Kate SILVER, Boyne Falls, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't ever regret something that once made you smile.

When faced with a life full of misery the thought to end your life is an ever present thought. It's a demon whispering in out ear, it's an ever constant weight on out shoulders, it's the storm cloud looming over out heads, it's the darkness that consumes us.

How do you fight something that can't be seen or felt? How do you fight yourself? That's what the demon is... it's our darkest selves. Everyone says that we just have to see the good in life, but saying that to someone who's only known misery is like telling a blind man to see the light, ot telling a color blind man to tell you what color something is.

So then how do you fight this never ending war? The answer is pain and fear. Sounds odd I know. The reason many of us are alive though is the fear of causing others pain. Regarless of what people say about us we do not enjoy causing others pain. And if you think about it, it makes sense. Why would we want to cause others pain when we know firsthand how detrimental it can be?

We don't stay living for ourselves. No, we live for everyone else. That is the key to keeping the demon at bay.


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