Paper vs. Tablets | Teen Ink

Paper vs. Tablets

May 18, 2015
By Grace Foster SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Grace Foster SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One hundred years ago, no one thought we would be where we are today electronically. Everything was on paper, and everything was much more convenient. More and more schools are starting to give their students tablets and laptops, and there are some good and bad things to this. According to Care 2, an article called ‘Electronics’ talking about electronics, these tablets that we are getting at school are affecting our brains and learning habits. The main reasons on why we should not have them at school are our concentration, how they affect our eyes, brains, and the inconveniens of them.

One of the really big problems with these tablets for school is our concentration. It says on ‘Crazy Like a Fox’ that they can become an addiction, and if we don’t have them, then some people can become bored aren’t willing to do anything else which can alter the concentration levels. Another thing that happens with these is the ‘trying to do several things at once’, or multitasking. This is not good for concentration because some people cannot focus on one main thing with a bunch of other things in the way.

Another big factor is how they are affecting our brains. ‘Mashable’ states eight main reasons, I’m only going to focus on two. One of the things that’s affecting many people is sleep. Our brains are being held hostage looking at these screens all day long, so when it comes to sleep, some people can forget about it. It’s good to not look at a screen one hour before we go to bed, so we can let our brains cool down from the electronics. Another thing that’s affecting our brain, is our attention spans. It says in ‘Mashable’ that people who are always on social media have a bad memory, and can’t remember little things like birthdays, phone numbers, and dates for things as well as someone who’s not on them.

The last point is the non conveniens of tablets at school. Think about it. If a kid has a whole bunch of papers and they lose one, that’s not the end of the world. If a kid have a tablet with all their info in it and they lose the tablet, now that can cause major problems. They not only lost the tablet, but they also just lost a whole bunch of important information. I know this next one isn’t that big of a deal, but the constant need to charge our devices is ridiculous, and if we forget to, we get in trouble for it.

Reading all the articles that I did for this essay has made me think about how all things these little devices are doing to us is horrid. Yes they can be handy and cool at times, but if they affect our concentration, brains and memory then to me it’s not worth it. I would like to ask everyone to watch the famous youtube video ‘Look Up’ which is a poem about our generation and technology. It goes with this essay because it explains what this is doing to everyone.

“We’re a generation of idiots. Smart phones and dumb people.”

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