Meat for the World | Teen Ink

Meat for the World

May 11, 2015
By Cheeze1111 SILVER, Conifer, Colorado
Cheeze1111 SILVER, Conifer, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One man's craziness is one man's reality"-Tim Burton

 “Nothing more strongly arouses our disgust than cannibalism, yet we make the same impression on Buddhists and vegetarians, for we feed on babies, though not our own”-Robert Louis Stevenson Cannibalism has always had a bad wrap. When you think of people eating people you get scared. You don’t think about how its part of tribes everyday rituals. And could be a viable food source if we ever ran out of food. Also you don’t think about how cannibalism is how animals survive in starvation. Plus most people don’t seem to care when factory farms are feeding chickens chickens. We as a society should think that cannibalism isn’t such a bad thing. We should accept cannibalism.

Cannibalism is still alive and present today. A tribe in New Guinea called Korowai practises regularly. They eat each other because the Korowains think that a magical being lives inside certain people. He is called the Khalchua. He is killing the person from the inside in order to get the Khalchua out they eat the person who he is inside. To the Korowains this is an everyday thing that happens and is not immoral

Not only is cannibalism a viable food source if the earth ever ran out of food. Cannibalism show the practices that meat is meat. People meat is no more different than cow meat. No being is above another. People would be a great source of food. Now I’m not saying that you should go out and kill people. Certain laws would have to be in place. So, you know how there is a organ donor on your drivers licence. There should be the same thing but we would call it a food doner.When you get into a car wreck you can donate yourself for food. There would be no difference between eating a buffalo burger and a people burger. 

In great need of food animals turn to cannibalism. I’ll use the analogy of wolves and rabbits. The wolves prey on the rabbits. Then, the rabbits population goes down and then rabbits become scarce. Instead of eating the rabbits the wolves eat other wolves. Then, when the rabbits build their population up again the wolves stop eating each other and then eat the rabbits again. The act of cannibalism is very common in the animal kingdom.

Not only is cannibalism present with humans today we also put our animals in factory farms that we eat through cannibalism. In most factory farms in order to make cheap feed they put the undesirable parts of the chicken into their food. We feed our chickens chicken. You say that cannibalism is a horrendous act but you make the other beautiful creatures of our earth go through it every day. Cannibalism is not wrong in fact it should be accepted in our everyday society. 


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