Technology | Teen Ink


April 24, 2015
By Anonymous

There are many views on technology; it is commonly viewed as bad, and will be the down fall of humanity. However, technology is necessary to help the development of the world. Technology offers many solutions to world-issues, like robotics, to help in saving and protecting lives from harm.

Technology is questioned based on ethical reasons, especially surveillance technologies. There have been many questionable projects because of technology. An ex-CIA agent brought up a story that he called a “monstrosity”. During the Cold War, the CIA made a plan using a cat and a radio. They performed surgery on the cat, placing a battery pack, recorder, and transmitter inside it. It was then trained to go where the CIA agents told it to. This was a very unethical operation to perform. This experiment was uncalled for and the cat was probably in pain during the operation. The cat, once first put in operation, died after being hit by a car. This leads to people doubting technology because a cat went through pain, like being cut open, and had no good result.

Countries need surveillance, but shouldn’t be inhumane, like the cat project. Technology must advance because we can find better ways of watching the powerful countries, and protecting ourselves. Robotics is a common solution to this in modern days. In Iraq, a drone is used called the “Dragon’s Eye.” This drone can fly one thousand feet above the air and get clear images of the land below. More drones should be created because they replace the need for piloted aircraft which are putting more humans in danger. This protects our soldiers because they can be prepared for any danger that comes their way. Another upside to this solution is that no animals will have to be modified to be used as equipment. Technology for surveillance is great idea to protect humans, as well as animals.

Technology is commonly questioned because of ethical beliefs, but because of it being dangerous as well. Many people don’t like too much advancement in technology because weapons will advance too. Many people fear weaponry advancements because of new bombs and missiles that could destroy massive cities in the blink of an eye. A newer creation, the hydrogen bomb, has a destructive power that is one thousand times stronger than an atomic bomb. Many other weapons and military vehicles, like heat rays and stronger APC’s, are created each day for soldiers. These all raise ethical questions commonly brought up because people are creating weapons to kill other people. In other words, many people don’t like advancements in technology since they lead to new weapons that are used to destroy other people.

Technology must advance in all aspects, including military. Shockingly, military technology saves a lot more lives than it ends. Humans are naturally war-like, and are commonly fighting. Military technology is important because since people are always fighting, we need to be ready to defend ourselves. The military uses many remote controlled robots, such as the Talon and Gladiator instead of soldiers in countries like Iraq with new technology. These are armed with machine guns and other weapons. This saves lives, because a man to man fight with guns can have a lot of casualties. Robots are better to be sent into battle to prevent unnecessary lives from dying. Machines are replaceable, but human lives are not. More weapon advancements are very good for saving lives. When weapons are developed, ways to stop them are too. Some jets have been equipped with chemical lasers called “Death Rays”. These can destroy nearly any missile, because of developing more technological advantages. With each technological advantage, especially military, more lives are saved.


Many people view technology as a bad thing; as it can kill or hurt living things. However, more creatures are protected and more human lives are saved every time more technology is created. However, there is already a good solution, robotics, as it saves lives that can’t be replaced.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece mainly because a lot of people disagree with technological advancements, especially in the military. I think that technology can save more soldiers that are fighting for freedom.

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