To Treasure Childhood | Teen Ink

To Treasure Childhood

March 28, 2015
By Anonymous

Do you know the defining traits? The blissful innocence, as you should know to be the cause of endless laughter, yet unfortunate happenings. The unrivaled carefreeness that no amount of acting can achieve, for I can attest to that. The sweet mischief that has brought both joy and annoyance to many older beings. The eternal energy that would make even the best of athletes feel envy. Do you what being possesses such traits? That being is… a child. I hope you weren't surprised, for it was rather obvious. These traits; however, do not last. The processes of growing into adulthood forces you to shed such traits, I suppose, for the sake of keeping society upright. Adulthood, I've mused, is rather dull in comparison. Many adults may make you muse over, if perhaps, these people were never children to start. I myself have always seen adulthood as an impossible conundrum. Adults just seem to have an aura of seriousness, quite unlike the cheerful vibe most children will give you. Always working with tremendous amounts of stress. It is as if innocence was given poison after being ripped out in a way of utmost pain and force. I myself feel apprehensive of my approaching time of the beginning of adulthood. Adults are complicated and very probable to be too confusing to understand without being one. That is why I shall be eternally grateful for experiencing the simple treasure that is a child.

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A movie and pictures


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