Pressure to Do "it" | Teen Ink

Pressure to Do "it"

February 11, 2015
By Deanna Alvarado BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Deanna Alvarado BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people want to grow up, but that isn't always the best. Being pressured can be hard, but a person should always stick to their own morals. Stick up, and say no to being pressured. From personal problems I can understand how temptations can be hard. Personally, I do not enjoy highschool, but it's because I want to go to college, and become a makeup artist already. I have friends I love and I'm thankful for. High school is just something I don't enjoy. For others high school is great, and they love it. Some enjoy sports, or different school clubs. It depends on ther person, a person chooses what they want for themselves.  

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