Why Not? | Teen Ink

Why Not?

April 30, 2009
By Anonymous

Recently, Iowa passed a law to make it legal for same sex marraiges. My aunt was disguisted by the fact that two people of the same gender could possibly join each other in a lifetime partnership. I simply said, "Why not.?"
You see, homosexuals are just like you and I, they eat they breathe they bathe, so why is it so hard for people to accept their sexuality. If You are allowed to love a man or woman, why can't they love whom they wish.
African Americans and Women have fought for their rights just as long as Homosexuals have, so why do we still have people against it.
If you don't like same sex marraige, let me ask you this, what would it feel like to know that you can't be with the one you love.?
It's no different that different sex marriage, so why do we act this way against them.?

The author's comments:
Thatnks for reading <3 Tayzerjoee.

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This article has 1 comment.

Kalyn92 BRONZE said...
on Nov. 26 2011 at 7:49 pm
Kalyn92 BRONZE, Forest City, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you have nothing, you have nothing to lose."

I absolutly agree. There is nothing wrong with someone who wants to love another person. I really liked how you made this short and sweet.