Optimism | Teen Ink


January 31, 2019
By kayleejenkins BRONZE, Austin, Texas
kayleejenkins BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Optimism is an absolutely necessary for every person because we will never be content without chasing aspirations of contentment first. All modern problems may be able to be solved logically, but emotional and social issues will never truly improve without an optimistic mindset. Optimism is especially important in one of the most challenging and cutthroat places of all, high school. With the various factors of popularity, social media, academics, and athletics all raging at once, it’s an incredibly overwhelming environment full of tension and competitiveness.

As high school students, it’s easy to slip into a negative mindset with strong feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Everyone is judgmental and two-faced. The pressure of having perfect grades is consuming. The desire to succeed in a sport or activity comes at a cost of giving up social and study time. When everything seems like it’s falling apart, the only true thing that can save you is hope, particularly in the form of optimism.

Optimism will always be important because there will always be problems. Problems that can’t be solved by technology or science, but through human compassion. Despite when you’re

enduring the worst challenges, you have to continue to seek joy in anything you can. Nothing will ever improve if you give up. Throughout life we grow and we change and we make decisions that can greatly impact our lives, even in ways we never imagined possible. If you never hope for a different future, a better tomorrow, or a life filled with love, there’s not even the slightest chance of it happening. Optimism is the faith that sets us on the right path to achievement and the hope that life can surprise us in the greatest ways possible.

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