If I Were Mayor of My Town... | Teen Ink

If I Were Mayor of My Town...

August 25, 2018
By Anonymous

If I were the mayor of my town, I wouldn't have much to do. I live in a town known for its low crime rates and wealthy citizens. Therefore, many of the people that live here are stuck up and rotten driven by wealth. I’m not excluding myself from these people, because I do find myself looking down upon people from surrounding less wealthy communities. One thing that I would attempt to do within my community would be to increase the diversity where I live. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to force people to move here, but I would think of strategies that would drive people to my town. Housing is very expensive in my town, mostly due to the fact a good portion of it provides waterfront views of the Atlantic. A major thing I would do is attempt to find ways to drive down housing prices, which may attract new faces to the community. An increase of people of different lifestyles, income, ethnicities, nationalities along with many other factors is greatly needed in my community. It seems as if everyone who lives in my town has full rides to college, Mercedes as teen cars, and everything anyone with less than them could dream of. As someone who grew up most of my life with enough, but not a lot compared to classmates, I know what it's like to feel different. Growing up in a society where money is power, and where money is prominent, is hard for people who don't have a lot of it. I think that an uprise in diversity within income levels, nationalities, ethnicities, and other factors could help this feeling disappear. With different people with different backgrounds in my community, people who may have felt smaller or less than compared to their peers may feel not as different. Sure it's nice to have money, but if I was the mayor of my town, I would work to create a sense of community throughout everyone no matter what their background or how much money they have.

The author's comments:

Growing up in this town has been hard, and I think an increase in diversity would help.


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