Are the Business Day Rules and Regulation | Teen Ink

Are the Business Day Rules and Regulation

May 10, 2016
By Jeffmario15 BRONZE, DKI Jakarta, Other
Jeffmario15 BRONZE, DKI Jakarta, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Do you know why we have rules and regulations for Business day? The rules and regulations are made for Business day to make sure everything runs smoothly. These rules and regulations are made by the government. The government will be in charge to enforce the rules to every booth in the event. The government will send a pair of their staff which would be grade 8 students to enforce the rules and regulations, and each pair would be in charge of a booth.

There are ten rules that are made by the government that will be applied. The first rule is that hawking is only allowed at the last 15 minutes. Second, students are not allowed to do consignments. Next, the staff of each booth must have uniforms. The name of the booth may not offend religion, races, and tribes. Students are not allowed to take actions that may cause chaos. Trash bins for each booth are a must to keep the cleanliness of the booth. The booths must also pay their taxes. Student also must pay electricity bills according to the amount of watts they use. The students also need to pay for their booth rental. They also need to pay for their advertisements such as posters, commercials on the television, etc. Students are also not allowed to use plastic bags so it can help persuade the students to go green and reduce plastic bag waste. These rules and regulations are made to be applied during Business day in order to have a more fun, safe, and organized Business day.

So... the rules, do we really need those rules? Personally I feel that the rules and regulations made for Business day from the government is unnecessary. Some of these rules just seem to be too much. One example would be that students are not allowed to do consignments. Not being able to do so will just restrict to what they can sell and also limit their profit. Another example for why these rules and regulations are unnecessary would be that students are not allowed to sell their products via hawkers. These are only some examples of the rules they made, and I personally think it only burdens the students as well as decrease their income.

Rules and regulations may be important; however some parts of the rules such as not being allowed to do consignments nor hawkers are just ridiculous. Not being able to sell via hawkers, one of the rules and regulation I question. If students are allowed to sell their products via hawkers they can drastically increase income, and it can help booths that are stuck in un-ideal positions. It provides a bigger chance for the students whose booths are basically unnoticeable. Secondly not being able to do consignments, if the students can do consignments, it not only increase income and produce more products to sell, it can also give benefit to the producer, the student, the consumers, and the government. Overall these rules may be made for a reason; however they also provide unnecessary restrictions to the students.

The rules and regulations are made for a reason that is to keep the event organized and safe. The rules gives a more peaceful and organized environment. As an example; not being able to sell via hawkers, this rule exist because without it the halls would be crowded. With this rule the halls would be cleaner, safer, and less crowded compared to previous years. The rules and regulations are made to be followed, and if followed will provide a fun, organized, and safe environment for all.

So overall, the rules may provide us with benefits; however some parts of the rules gives unnecessary restrictions to the students. It restricts their possibilities of products to be sold. Overall the rules are good and should be followed; however in my opinion some parts of it must be changed with careful considerations to make sure it does not overly limits the students.           

The author's comments:

This piece is an editorial writing to express the editor's opinion about the rules and regulations of a school event called Business day.

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