Why Should We Add Computer Science As a Core Curriculum for High School | Teen Ink

Why Should We Add Computer Science As a Core Curriculum for High School

February 17, 2022
By FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

    We all use electronic devices: television, phones, computers. In the digital age, these devices are essential for entertainment, communication, and more. Technology therefore makes this world more connected, faster, and better in every way. According to the research of Evans Data Corporation, there will be around 27.7 million people software programmers in 2023, which is approximately 0.3 percent of the whole society. While almost everyone on earth uses a computer, a thorough knowledge of computer science can help you in unexpected ways: from understanding the computer to becoming more analytical and better at problem solving—traits employers look for. Finally computer science gives us a better future, space exploration and phones all need computer science to fulfill them.

    We should add computer science as a core curriculum for high school because of the lack of people programming. Today, there are 27.7 million people who can code and there are 7.9 billion people alive today. If you calculate the percentage you will get 0.3 percent of the people on earth can code. Click link, word description, images, search tab, and more buttons that we use more than a hundred of times each day. They are composed of hundreds and thousands of lines of codes to create and one game or app can not be written by a single human being in his lifetime. That is why we need more people to code and learn to code. By making computer science a core curriculum in high school, more teenagers will develop interest in computer science and more people will contribute to the coding society. 

    Another reason that we should add computer science as a core curriculum for high school is because computer science can help you develop better qualities. Such as analytic skills, problem thinking, and more. Computer science not only can help you learn about computers, but can also help you develop good qualities such as analytical and better problem solving. These qualities are the qualities that all jobs and professions require and needs. 

    Finally, we should add computer science as a core curriculum for high school because computer science can affect our future. From space exploration to the things that we need everyday, all of them are created using software programs that are coded with computer science. With computer science we can develop a better future for humanity. According to a New York Times paper by Rachel Nuwer called “As Locusts Swarmed East Africa, This Tech Helped Squash Them”. This paper proves the helpfulness and efficiency of technology, normally it would be impossible to squash a locust swarm but now with new technology it became possible. If we add computer science as a core curriculum for high school, students will develop interest in it and better technology that can help us in many ways will be created. 


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