Educator of the Year Contest | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Contest

November 8, 2020
By Anonymous

     Mr. Stephen Rappold has been a teacher at Mount Carmel Academy for a while now, and I constantly hear about how not only how great of a teacher he is, but also how great of a person he is. Prospective and current students and teachers always have something nice to say about Mr. Rappold. I am lucky to say that I had Mr. Rappold as my eighth-grade religion teacher, and I have him again as my junior religion teacher. I nominate my religion teacher for the Educator of the Year Contest due to his caring, educating, and friendly qualities.

     One quality that I was quick to notice about Mr. Rappold is that he is one of the most caring teachers I have ever had. He constantly is checking in on his students, and he is always there in case you need to talk to someone for help or guidance. For example, he always asks his students how they are doing at the start of class. He seems to be genuinely interested in what we have to say and even is there to help us figure out our own problems. He hardly gives a ton of homework because he cares about our mental health and he knows that junior year is work-heavy in several of our other classes. Mr. Rappold, being one of the most caring teachers that I have ever met, so I think he is a great nominee for the Educator of the Year Contest. 

     Another quality that Mr. Rappold exhibits is his outstanding ability to educate his students in a way that makes learning fun and easy. I would say that most of our class time is spent listening to Mr. Rappold explain concepts and ensure that each student gained a proper understanding of the content. He constantly asks if any of his students have questions because he is willing to reexplain concepts if it benefits others. Mr. Rappold also does a great job of incorporating educational activities that deepen students’ understanding of the content. We are constantly given time in class and sometimes homework to complete activities that he knows will help us remember what he teaches in class. Mr. Rappold teaches the information extraordinarily well, and I believe this makes him a great nominee for the Educator of the Year Contest.

     The last quality that I believe makes Mr. Rappold stand out from other teachers is his ability to treat his students in a way that their friends would. For example, one’s friends should look out for them occasionally and make sure that they are doing fine. Similarly, Mr. Rappold seems like he genuinely cares about not only how we are doing in his class, but also how we are doing outside of his class. I’m sure he would be quick to clear up his schedule if a student reached out to him and said he or she needed help or advice. Because Mr. Rappold is so friendly, I think he is the best nominee for the Educator of the Year Contest.

     In conclusion, Mr. Rappold stands out from all of the other teachers that I have ever had. He is caring in the way that he always checks up on the class and makes sure that everyone is doing fine. Also, he finds unique ways to educate his students and ensure that each and every one of them has a deep understanding of the content being taught. In addition, he is friendly and always there to talk if someone needs help or advice with anything in general. Because Mr. Rappold is caring, educating, and friendly, I believe he is the absolute best nominee for the Educator of the Year Contest.

The author's comments:

This piece nominates an outstanding teacher for the Educator of the Year Contest.

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