The Unmarked Map | Teen Ink

The Unmarked Map

September 16, 2015
By ayyyyeve BRONZE, Commerce City, Colorado
ayyyyeve BRONZE, Commerce City, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had always thought our eyes were the windows to our soul; it wasn’t until recently I truly started believing it.  When you stare at a window you don’t usually think much of it, we tend to just embrace the beauty that’s held within our view but within time that beauty is no longer existent. That beauty becomes unknown or at least I thought it did.

She was eight years old when she first met her dad. He had left the picture when she was around two years old.  Being two years old she didn’t have many memories of a father/daughter relationship.   After six long years he finally decided to meet his daughter, me, Evelyn Ontiveros.  During that time in my life windows began to be my best friend as weird as that sounds it’s true, I mean at first my windows were broken and I couldn’t see clearly through them. How could something so broken and dead suddenly become the new awakening of my lives beauty? I know. He was the creator of a fantasy I wanted to enhance and I was the destroyer of the reality I was meant to discover. That window was my map, I saw what I wanted to see, I had plenty of destinations to choose from but yet I only kept going to one and that’s when I realized the window in which I saw my life through was too small, why? Simply because I was looking through the small cracks of a broken window I thought was fixed.  A window in which hadn’t been broken because of nature but because someone had swung a bat at it at full speed not even remotely thinking about the consequences, the swinger was my dad.  He was the cause for the broken/missing pieces.  I had to find the power I once had, I couldn’t let him have the key to my happiness nor success.

Not being able to see clearly had taken me away from a world full of possibilities. I had gotten tired of not being able to look through and not recognize what was in front of me. It was time to repair the broken. I had realized getting a new window wouldn’t mean being able to see the same thing twice nor breathe the same air and that’s exactly what I needed, I needed the road less traveled.

I had broken the chains that were holding me back and opened up my wings to fly and be free from all the burden that was holding me back. Throughout my journey of searching for the right window I realized I can’t just live with one I need more. Only having one window meant being restricted from the vast beauty that is yet to be discovered. Having more than just one window to look out for meant being able to perceive the world in different perspectives and being more open minded to the universe whereas with just one you can only enjoy the view from the top of the world. I believe you have the power of what you choose to see and how you decide to see it, some choose to see the beauty for longer and others choose to not even see the beauty rather than seeing the darkness, to me I will choose to see the beauty that the sun shines through my window. When the sun is no longer shinning through my window I know then the sun won’t be in the same position in the morning as it was in the afternoon and that is when I will know to look through the different window the sun chose to move too.  At the end of the day I will always find myself on a remarkable endless journey to an unknown destination I am yet to discover.  I believe our eyes are the windows to our souls because theirs many perspectives that are perceived differently by others just like there are different kinds of windows theirs also different color/shaped eyes. They are never the same.

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