Cyber Monday Article Summary/Reflection | Teen Ink

Cyber Monday Article Summary/Reflection

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Will Oremus went a little over the top when he said “It's the only fake holiday that's even stupider than Black Friday, and we should all boycott this insult to our intelligence,” in the article he wrote: “WHY EVERYONE SHOULD BOYCOTT CYBER MONDAY.” The article Oremus wrote about Cyber Monday displays his disapproval of the idea of the bargains retailers use to reel in customers. His perception of this “holiday” is negative because he believes that retailers are getting rid of the old items to gain new items. They are successful in that because they make customers feel as if they are missing bargains that only come once in a life time. He also says, “…the marketers noted that online sales had been spiking on the Mondays after Thanksgiving in recent years.” One of the ideas posed by Oremus shows that the only reason it is a holiday is because there was a trend that became more popular. Due to his beliefs on Cyber Monday, Oremus encourages everyone to boycott the holiday that “insults our intelligence.”

Embellishments in the article show the negative, annoyed, and close-minded tone the author chose to color his writing in. Cyber Monday shows positivity and can be a relaxing stress reliever. Saving money by scouting for bargains online, while getting Christmas shopping done, leaves more time for more important things, like family game time. Many rely on the deals they find online so they can afford to make their kids happy on Christmas morning. Oremus also spoke about retailers deceiving or manipulating customers. There is another side to that theory. Those who do not wish to participate in Cyber Monday are not forced to. There is no need to get up in the early hours, or stay online all day in search of the best deals one can find. By getting what is needed delivered to your door-without going out into the cold only to find the store is out of stock-stress is released and the mind is cleared.

Oremus’ thoughts, on retailers trying to get rid of their items, are true. If they did not get rid of the old items, they would have no room for the new, making unhappy customers wanting updates. Yet, “…out of date,” are the words used to describe Cyber Monday. Since it was unofficially made a holiday, in 2005, it has hardly had time to age. 8 years is still young. it is hard to believe something could go so out of date so fast. There is where Oremus is wrong. Cyber Monday will soon pass up Black Friday because of certain factors. People are lazy and would rather not fight the violent crowds in the middle of the night. There are more and more people turning to online services. When stores offer the same deals online as they do in stores, more people are tempted to stay home and sleep while the others battle it out for a pair of jeans.

With a differing opinion, Oremus says Cyber Monday is “out of date”, yet somehow the amount of people using the internet to order items is increasing. It is true that retailers make customers feel as if they are missing out on huge deals, but customers are not forced to participate. The idea that the holiday should be boycotted is a bit drastic. If it will only be upsetting, then don’t participate.

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