Jimmy Choo | Teen Ink

Jimmy Choo

December 11, 2013
By Alexsandra Pjevach BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alexsandra Pjevach BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This Jimmy Choo perfume ad features a young woman sitting on a couch. The woman looks to be in her late 20s to 30s. She appears to be in amazing physical condition. Her hair is a dark brown and has the superb amount of shine to it. Her skin is flawless, her makeup looks airbrushed to perfection, and her skin tone is the perfect shade of a golden goddess tan.
The woman is wearing a pink and black patterned halter dress. The front of the dress cuts down into a “V” form where the point of the “V” goes to her stomach. There looks like there is no back on the dress and it conjoins right above her butt by her lower back. The front of the dress is strikingly short, barely covering her butt, and the back has a longer train section. She also has on black strappy high heel shoes and the perfume bottle sits next to her on the couch with her hand reaching out grasping the top of it. The ad features a dark background making the woman stand out to the viewers eye and thus making her the center of attention.

The target audience for this ad is adolescent to 30 year old women. This advertisement came from a Vogue magazine, which also attracts women around the same age.
The way she dresses is associated with beauty and wealth. The dress she is wearing is extremely plain yet elegant and gives us the perception in which that is the style that should be worn in order to look that good. Wealth is penetrated by the way she is dressed as well. It makes the viewer presume that along with this perfume you will feel and look wealthy too.
Beautiful people is another technique this ad has illustrated. The woman in this advertisement campaigning for Jimmy Choo is beautiful, in good physical shape, and is a real life supermodel. By using her in this ad it implies that by purchasing and using this perfume we’ll look like her.
Charisma is another tactic used in the advertisement. The woman sitting on the couch appears bold, substantial, and self-assured. She has a determined and reflective facial composure. People who show charismatic qualities often get others to follow in their footsteps, in this case acquiring in the product.
The Jimmy Choo advertisement for their perfume may be reprehensible and misleading to some observers. It presents the idea that all people using this perfume must be young, defined, and appealing, when in reality, everyday people do not portray this image.

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