Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 22, 2019
By asample54 BRONZE, Lowell, Illinois
asample54 BRONZE, Lowell, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How do things get so popular? There is many reasons, you could ask that over and over again. People may say they can go to a new world, or they can relate to it, or even the fact that it simulates what the future could look like. So the main question we are answering today is, why dystopian literature is getting such a rise in popularity today?

To kick this right off, how dystopia is getting so popular is for many reasons. One of those reasons is, the fact that the readers can relate to the protagonist. In harrison Bergeron everyone was made equal. In today’s eyes, even in older times. Everyone has to be normal. In the story it says, “All of this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the united states handicapper general”. Something like this could happen in society to where it plans to make us all “normal” or “perfect”. Also, in the veldt, we also see gorge living his life assisted by machines. People today are glued to phones, and all these other things. That it's people wishing that when it becomes too much, then people will be begging for it to be gone. a quote from the story states,“We’ve been thinking of our machine assisted selves for too long. My God, how we need a breath of honest air!’And he marched about the house turning off the voice clocks, the stoves, the heaters, the shoe cleaners, the body washer, the massager, and every other machine he could put his hand to”. In this he is turning off all the powered machines because he is tired of it taking over his and his family’s life.

Next we have the fact that no one is perfect, and the distypoitas bring out that fact. By some trying to fix people to either make them worse or better. For something perfectly normal. Everyone has to be equal in Harrison bergeron, but even in the end everyone still has their differences and no one can be completely perfect. The story says, “All of this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the united states handicapper general”. This quote could maybe lead to a day where the government might do these rules, and make us “perfect”. Citizens also conform to uniform expectation in Harrison Bergeron as well, they have to wear all these weights and ear pieces to be conformed to the perfect illusion. A quote from the story that supports this, “She was referring the the forty-seven pounds of birdshot in a canvas bag, which was padlocked around george’s neck”. Which this bag was something around his neck to make him walk weirder or not as good as “normal” people. It was to make him conformed with the society around him, to make it seem “normal”.

Lastly, our world is not perfect. People know this, and people can dream of making it perfect, but these dystopias are examples of how we can't make a perfect society. Bureaucratic control is a big part of Ten with a Flag, they control their people and this story also shows who is perfect by numbers. These number also show their usefulness to the government itself. A quote from this story to prove my statement is, “‘Great’ there was nothing else to do but sit back and enjoy the ride. We were just passengers. Central had control”. This states the fact that the government took control of their car, pulling them off course for their home. It was taking them to a meeting with a higher up, to talk about how “perfect” their child will be. Technological control is not only a problem in our world, but an issue in Ten with a Flag. They have everything do everything for them, even pick out their clothes! “My wardrobe had picked out a deep-blue chiffon evening gown for me”, is where the wardrobe in itself picked out a gown for her! She had no choice in the matter, and she just wore it like nothing. Just like how we look mindlessly at our phones, as it plays stuff for us, or when our food is cooked by the microwave.


Now, I will ask again. How do things get so popular? By being able to relate to something, such as a protagonist in a story. Also by being able to see that no one is perfect even the people that are in stories. Lastly, The world in itself is not perfect, and when we see that, the imperfections become normal. That is how dystopian literature has become so popular, due to all these reasons.  

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