The Other Shoulder Talking | Teen Ink

The Other Shoulder Talking

February 18, 2014
By ShaniaC BRONZE, Sheridan, Wyoming
ShaniaC BRONZE, Sheridan, Wyoming
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Other Shoulder Talking

Nearly 30,000 Americans commit me a year, and it usually happens during the spring. I lurk around in the schools, but mostly the high school; that’s where it all happens. I rope around the halls looking for a student to help, a student that is enclosed in themselves. I wait every 16.2 minutes before another one like the one before kills themselves. Here I am, venting myself through their mouth and down into their arms, slowly taking control over their body.
Think I Work Alone?

I work with my good friends oxycodone, diazepam,fluoxetine, and don’t forget the good stuff called alcohol. I go through the body, working with my medicinal friends through the bloodstream, slowly clotting the blood vessels. Then, I travel toward the heart, constricting tightly, slowing down the heart beats per minute. My friend oxycodone sneaks through the body, making the individual have reduced pain, which makes it easier for me to cut in and move their hands toward the razor, making them cut deeply through their skin. As the individual watches what I have done, they start to weep because of how much they hate their life. That’s the best part.
Do Those Pictures Help You? Or Me?

Females who are feeling desperate for some guy to look at them and pay attention to them are my favorite. Over forty-four percent of males admit they have seen a sexual image of a female, and I have the honor to find the females and slowly take them under my wing. I tie around them and slowly start to pull as their airways start to close. My favorite part is when the parents find their daughter dangling from a belt attached to the shower head , mascara streaking her face. The only reason their daughter signed her life away to me was because she had a nude picture taken of her, and it traveled all through the school. Thank you, technology.
Is It A Short Term Thing? Or Can I Route Your Life For You?

I take 2,500 lives per month just with a shot to the head or a pill down the throat. I can merge myself into an individual slowly weighing their shoulders down as their life breaks into pieces. Girls look for help among their friends, but they are just not satisfied because they feel no one is paying attention to them or trying to help them. I can help them. It’s not my fault they feel this way. A thirteen- year old girl in high school sent a nude picture. When she went to school the next day, all s*** broke loose because the guy she had a fling with still had her naked picture from that one party, but he doesn’t care about her. In fact, he wants to become a popular guy in high school. He thinks about her for just a second and how she doesn’t deserve this.Then forwards her picture to the whole football team and even posts it onto Facebook. Pretty cool right? I get excited excited that I have a new victim to explore with, for example, how they deal with pain. Pain that I can create with just a slit to the wrist. That’s where it all begins.

No Not You!

Sometimes its too late for that one special friend to see what I am doing to their friend. Their friend that is in a hopeless place, a place where only one rope can save them from society. Sometimes, I get overpowered by family and friends because they tell the individual that they mean something in this hell forsaken world. A world that is already being destroyed by pornnogrophy, drugs, and even me, but that makes the individual forget me. Forget that I can take all the pain away; just give me a razor and some pills, and they won’t feel a thing. I promise. Just keep cutting, a little blood here and there won’t kill you. Or will it?

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