Discipline or Abuse??? | Teen Ink

Discipline or Abuse???

January 8, 2014
By Sade C BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Sade C BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I understand that parents have a right to discipline their children the way they want to, but there is a difference between discipline and abuse. I know when you are discipling your children, you think that you are doing the thing that will help them but, it is not always the case. When you notice that when you discipline them that they have bruises then there is a chance you may be abusing them. This is why I think parents should stop abusing their kids because it can hurt the child emotionally, physically, and even force them to commit suicide.
Every so often, when a child is getting abused it can hurt the child physically. That means that they have broken bones or bruises. One time when I went over my stepmom’s friend house her son got a very bad beaten for not making his bed the way his mom wanted him to. I felt really sad because when I seen where she hit him at, I saw that his arm was swollen and was really badly bruised. This is why children should not get abused.
Child abuse can hurt the child involved emotionally. Sometimes when a child is going through stuff like this they want to know what they did to make this happen to them. When children experience this on daily basis, they can get scars that last for life. Child abuse can cause depression in children because they don’t know any way that they can deal with it. This is just one major effect of child abuse.
The MAJOR reason that I think that child abuse is DANGEROUS is because it can cause children involved to commit suicide. When a child has to be abuse as a regular bases, they think suicide as the only way to escape their torture. Children that are afraid to tell somebody about what is happening to them. When I asked my stepmom’s friend’s son why he didn’t he tell anybody he replied “If I tell anyone what happens that will make her ( his mother) madder and she will not stop hitting me until she feels like it.” Later I found out that Greg tried to commit suicide but he failed. I felt bad for him because he has no other way out. This is what happens when a child tries to escape child abuse.
I understand that parents have the right to discipline their children the way they want to. But, there are limits to your discipline. Specifically, when you find that you are doing it continuously, it is possibility that you are abusing your child. The definitions of discipline and abuse are very different. According to the Oxford Dictionary discipline means “punish” or “train in obedience” and abuse means “maltreatment” or “use improperly.” As you can see, the definitions differ. This is why we need to need to help end or prevent child abuse. One way we can help end child abuse is by creating laws that says “ a child can not get hit unless they stole or misbehaved in school and when they are hit them excessively then a parent would have to get trail as abusive behavior towards the child.” This is how we can help end and prevent child abuse.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write this persuasive essay because I was a witness to a child abuse crime. When I saw how people can treat their children I wanted to make sure that it never happens. I know that I can't make child abuse stop but trying can do no harm. I want to be apart of the fight to end child abuse. This is what inspired me to write this essay.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 20 2014 at 6:00 pm
Roman_syn BRONZE, Fallbrook, California
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't want you to be like me, I want you to be like you and make a difference
-Marilyn Manson

I like the topic and you did a great job of getting your point across, but I noticed that there wasn't any breaks for paragraphs and your writing style is a little bland. You could probably get help with that in the writers workshop. Other than that I liked it!