The Definition of Love | Teen Ink

The Definition of Love

November 1, 2013
By natalee hecker BRONZE, Crested Butte, Colorado
natalee hecker BRONZE, Crested Butte, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On Gay Freedom Day in San Francisco,California in 1978 Harvey Milk stated “Once and for all, breakdown the myths, destroy the lies and distortion, for your sake. For their sake.” By this he meant that if more people opened up about being gay or lesbian it would be easier for other people to stand up and speak out. This would make it harder for straight people to think of homosexuals as the “other” people (Reiner). I believe that same-sex marriage should be legal because love is love. New Jersey is one of the “fair” states that do care about everyone’s love. California also wares the rainbow proudly in almost all of the cities and towns. Same sex marriage ignites creativity within many people, from signers to directors. It is just the same for a man to love a man as it is for a man to love a woman. Fourteen states have legalized same-sex marriage and believe that it is same love.

New Jersey decided to recognize same-sex marriage earlier this month by a lower court judge. Beth Asaro and Joanne Schailey were one of the first same-sex marriages in New Jersey. They got married at 12:01 am on Monday October 21. The couple stated that they are “...floating on air.” or feeling like they “...won the super bowl.” Another spouse of same-sex marriage, Kay Osborn said that “To have this moment of equality is overwhelming.” The feeling of being able to love freely must feel fantastic to these couples. Most people only dream about this moment and it never becomes a reality for them. Now in New Jersey this fantasy is many people’s reality. Lawmakers in the United States of America are still trying to override Christie’s veto of the bill from 2012 to allow gay or lesbian marriages (Mulvihill).

The American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) shares the Perry case. It is a fantastic story about two fantastic couples, Sandy Stier and Kris Perry from Berkley California and Jeff Zarrillo and Paul Katami from Los Angeles California. On the first day of the Same-sex trial the couples decided to stand up and tell the country what marriage means to them and why it matters. By doing this they obeyed Harvey Milk and used the stories to break down the lies, myths and distortion. With what the couples said the court knew that the opposition to marriage equality would “evaporate” so they didn’t broadcast the proceedings (Riener).

The trial has sparked creative bones in many people’s bodies. Dustin Lance Black created a play and movie about same-sex marriage called “8” (Riener). Rapper Macklemore and DJ Ryan Lewis wrote a song called “Same Love”. Same Love was the first song to reach the top forty songs in the US to promote and celebrate same-sex marriage. Macklemore’s hit sings “It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion. Gender to skin color, the complexion of your pigment. The same fight that led people to walk outs and sit ins. It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference!” If celebrities and directors can accept same-sex marriage then why can’t the government?

Support for same-sex marriage has grown by less than 1% each year since 1996 except in the years 2010 and 2011 when it grew by 5%. In 2012 four states legalized gay marriage leaving a total of thirty-two states against it (Riener). Equality is important in America from feminism to racism. Why can’t there be equality in marriage? Many people who are lesbian or gay say they don’t have a choice and that they can't help who they are. This is just like African-Americans can’t help who they are or their skin color. America got over the pigment of others skin so why can’t we get over the way someone feels about another?

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